Window Ornament

Nan-hpaya, Pagan

This is one of the windows on the shrine. In the tympanum (triangular area) above the perforated window is a kalasa pot filled with water and plants, symbolic of fertility. The arch is framed by two makaras that together make a double serpent rainbow, above which sits Sri Lakshmi, consort of Vishnu and goddess of good fortune and wealth. Considering these elements, according to Richard Cooler, the whole arch is to be interpreted as an agrarian fertility symbol.

The downward-pointing triangle on either side of the window, with demon faces in the upper outside corners, is another frequently-appearing motif at Pagan (for example, at Sulamani). The triangle may also appear pointing upwards. It is usually filled with foliage, thus another auspicious symbol of nature's generative power.