Dome with Constellations

early 8th century AD
Caldarium, Amra, Jordan

The constellations are painted on the dome in reversed order, as if seen from the outside of a celestial globe. North is in the center, surrounded at a distance by a narrow red band representing the Zodiac. The ever-helpful Blue Guide provides a key:

A = Ursa MajorF = AndromedaK = LeoP = Capricorn
B = Ursa MinorG = CygnusL = CancerQ = Sagittarius
C = CepheusH = HerculesM = GeminiR = Scorpio
D = DracoI = OphiucusN = OrionS = Erichthonius
E = PerseusJ = BootesO = DophinusT = Aquarius