Temples Of Mount Wu Tai
Around Taihua Monastic Village:

Baiyun - "White Cloud;" exemplary modern rebuild
Bishan - Chan (Zen); Jade Buddha
Cifu - Empress Cixi
Puhua Si - "Lumpy" modern Arhat statues
Pusading Si - Imperial Qing
Tayuan Si - Great White Dagoba
Xiantong Si - Brick Hall and Bronze Hall

Taihua is a charming little village, that nestles in the valley below Wu Tai's five peaks, with convenient hotels and facilities for visiting the mountain temples. The selection above is not claimed to be representative, but each of these seven has some outstanding feature. Wu Tai Shan, the legendary home of Manjusri, is one of the great Sacred Landscapes of China; there are hundreds of temples, past and present, on the mountain peaks that surround the village.