Holy Mother Hall

Song Dynasty
Jin Shrine, Shanxi

The name of the shrine's main hall, Sheng Mu Dian, means Holy Mother Hall or Sage Mother Hall and refers to Yi Jiang, the mother of Tang Shuyu1. A stele inscription implies an origin date between 979 and 984 AD, although a major restoration took place in 1102. Other significant dates are 1038 (earthquake), 1087 (dragon columns), and 1990-1991 (modern restoration).

The hall sits on its terrace behind a flying bridge that crosses the middle of the springs. It is oriented east to align with the springs. The entire building, including gallery, is seven bays wide and five bays deep; five bays by three inside. The hall is double-eaved, with massive dougong and a hipped roof. An outstanding feature is its deep front porch, behind dragon columns, that extends the length of the hall.

1The name "Tang" here refers to the first-millennium BC predecessor of the Jin state, not to the much later Tang Dynasty; see earlier page.